We were not able to get to the reception and book signing because of other commitments but were pleased we went later to view Adou’s excellent new exhibition and M97 Gallery on Moganshan Lu, close to the M50 Gallery complex.
The photographs are of large abstract part painting, part collage designs. They are very striking. As the gallery writes..
In this new body of works, Adou invites the viewer to look at the unimpressive natural world just below our feet. Titled after the famous poetry collection by Walt Whitman, Adou’s “Leaves of Grass” is a lyrical exaltation and reordering of the natural world from discarded scraps and chaos. Part painting and part collage, the natural elements are carefully composed by the artist with allusions to Chinese traditional ink painting and calligraphy.
Read more about it on the gallery’s website:
The exhibition runs from 24th January to 15th March 2015.